
Survey: How do you find new music?

We've been busy planning some new ways to keep in touch with our community. But in order to see how effective we might be, we thought we'd do a bit of research.

The community for MaJiKer has been growing nicely in Paris and London, and we'd like to expand that to the wider interweb universe by creating a membership site. This would be a place for MaJiKer to interact directly with the community and allow them to experience the new Lab format - and to introduce them to new music that he has produced alongside the music of people he has been working with.

We'd love to know a bit more about how you like to find new music, and what you think about membership sites in general. So we've created a quick survey.

To thank you for taking part, we've got some new music to give away!

Access the survey via Survey Monkey.
And thanks for your time!

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