
Travelling ... slowly ...

Before the madness of releasing album number two really begins, it is time to take a (if I may say so, well deserved) break.  And what better destination than the White Isle ...

But rather than fly this year I've decided to take things a bit more downtempo.  Living in London means you are constantly rushing. Hurrying for trains, making appointments on time - I can't even walk down the street without feeling the need to overtake someone.

I'm also conscious of how much flying I've done in the past few years. Between visiting my family in Canada, jetting off to DJ in Sweden, and holidaying in India, my carbon footprint must be more like a size 12 dent.

So what better way to bring things down with a bit of slow travel. You don't need to fly to Ibiza - you can take a great train journey from London - Paris - Barcelona ... and then take the fabulous ferry straight in to Ibiza Town. No queues at Heathrow, no screaming children in departure, no annoying delays - instead I am hoping for a pleasant jaunt by rail, giving time to read the stack of books I've been saving over the past few months (including Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine).

All the info you need for your own slow travel can be found on the Man in Seat Sixty-One's website. Its a fantastic and easy resource of all things train travel related.  One man's hobby has become a revolution.

Oh - and slow travel also means no MacBook.
Back in two weeks ...

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